A Not So Small Ecocritique of the film “Downsizing” in Five Concepts
Puerto Rico: A Potential Experiment in Degrowth?
Let’s not waste the dual crises in Puerto Rico–let’s use them to start the degrowth process.
School Days in 2040: Rima’s Day at École Gardiens de la Forêt (Montreal, Canada)
What might education look like in 2040 if it were to be truly Earth-centric? That is to say, teaching a deep connection to—and obligation to care for—the planet that sustains us? Over the course of the summer, as I work on the upcoming State of the World 2017: EarthEd: Rethinking Education on a Changing Planet, I will post five visions…
Learning from Icarus
A reflection on how making society more resilient may be worse than doing nothing at all.
Taking a Ride in the Time Machine
Your choice: Do you take a ride in the time machine 300 years into the future or 300 years back?
LEGOs, LEGOs, Everywhere, and a Partnership with Shell
Is LEGO’s partnership with Shell “polluting our kids’ imaginations”?
Crossroads for Humanity: Profit ’til Collapse or Scale Back to Survive
Erik discusses his Guardian Sustainable Business blog post on the idea of corporations choosing to profit until the collapse rather than making substantive changes.
Top 10 Jobs for Out of Work Environmentalists
Erik explores the top 10 best jobs for out of work environmentalists in the post-collapse future.
Wanted: A Sustainable Workshop for Santa
Erik sends Santa his wish list.
Multigenerational Communities or Tent Cities?
What does the future of housing look like?