Lessons for raising an ecowarrior, seven years after this quest began.
Raising an Ecowarrior: The Early Childhood Years
Lessons for raising an ecowarrior, seven years after this quest began.
School Days in 2040: Beatriz’ Day at the Freire School of Activism
Erik explores an activist high school in São Paulo, Brazil, where students are activists first, students second.
School Days in 2040: Arivan’s Day at the Garden City Eco-engineering Academy
Erik imagines an eco-engineering high school in Singapore that is training highly moral scientific leaders to guide investigation of the world’s most controversial environmental technologies.
School Days in 2040: Lakshmi’s Day at Bunker Hill High
Erik explores a high school in India specializing in training future social entrepreneurs, farmers, and even midwives.
School Days in 2040: Saikou’s Day aboard the Tigerfish Floating School
Erik describes a school of the future: one that provides a holistic as well as flood-proof education to its students
School Days in 2040: Rima’s Day at École Gardiens de la Forêt (Montreal, Canada)
What might education look like in 2040 if it were to be truly Earth-centric? That is to say, teaching a deep connection to—and obligation to care for—the planet that sustains us? Over the course of the summer, as I work on the upcoming State of the World 2017: EarthEd: Rethinking Education on a Changing Planet, I will post five visions…
Making Gleaned-Fruit Jam with Ayhan
Here’s an easy and delicious recipe to make a small batch of jam from fresh fruit–one even your child can help with.
Raising a Future Ecowarrior
An essay for Adbusters on the need to raise children radically as we spiral toward civilizational collapse.
Escaping Fido’s Cave
How do we break the cycle of consumer socialization and perhaps even survive the coming climate crisis?