Lessons for raising an ecowarrior, seven years after this quest began.
Having Your Bit of Cake and Eating It Too?
A Not So Small Ecocritique of the film “Downsizing” in Five Concepts
Making Gleaned-Fruit Jam with Ayhan
Here’s an easy and delicious recipe to make a small batch of jam from fresh fruit–one even your child can help with.
Raising a Future Ecowarrior
An essay for Adbusters on the need to raise children radically as we spiral toward civilizational collapse.
Escaping Fido’s Cave
How do we break the cycle of consumer socialization and perhaps even survive the coming climate crisis?
Taking a Ride in the Time Machine
Your choice: Do you take a ride in the time machine 300 years into the future or 300 years back?
LEGOs, LEGOs, Everywhere, and a Partnership with Shell
Is LEGO’s partnership with Shell “polluting our kids’ imaginations”?
Crossroads for Humanity: Profit ’til Collapse or Scale Back to Survive
Erik discusses his Guardian Sustainable Business blog post on the idea of corporations choosing to profit until the collapse rather than making substantive changes.
Wanted: A Sustainable Workshop for Santa
Erik sends Santa his wish list.
Multigenerational Communities or Tent Cities?
What does the future of housing look like?