Let’s not waste the dual crises in Puerto Rico–let’s use them to start the degrowth process.
Final Notice
Earth sends DC residents a final notice.
How THOMAS & FRIENDS crept into one boy’s life, and how his father came to terms with it.
My Son is a Treehugger. Literally.
Recently, my son started hugging trees. And no I didn’t prompt it.
Crossroads for Humanity: Profit ’til Collapse or Scale Back to Survive
Erik discusses his Guardian Sustainable Business blog post on the idea of corporations choosing to profit until the collapse rather than making substantive changes.
Can Pets Be Part of a Sustainable Future?
Erik responds to some of the comments his Guardian Sustainable Business essay on pet ownership generated.
Are the Olympics a Modern Plague?
Some comments on my Guardian Sustainable Business blog on the Olympics
Top 10 Jobs for Out of Work Environmentalists
Erik explores the top 10 best jobs for out of work environmentalists in the post-collapse future.
Time to Wean the World Off Baby Formula?
How do we go about weaning the world off the unsustainable formula industry?
Wanted: A Sustainable Workshop for Santa
Erik sends Santa his wish list.